Case Study : A Father need loan for his Son

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A Father need loan for his Son:

To make a return deposit and the customer has stopped the deposit in it, so let us assume that there will be 3 types of deposits. In the form of RD, we can also make RD to the shopkeeper, shopkeeper can make RD, AP service man can make RD, retired person can make FD.

Father can also put FD, can also put MIS, retire how much interest can be given, if you sing it for a long time then fifteen percent for 1 year, yes, you will have to chain a little bit in it, FD, a little one year percent loan, dreams of loan have to be made in the form of loan. If we give him a loan then he will become a customer. If he wants to take a loan, then money is his problem. 

If he needs money, to solve which problems does he need money? Who needs a loan to educate his child? So if he can show it there, he took a loan for himself and his child, educated him and left his children, his child became successful, his child went abroad, his child got a government job, or his child became an IPS, or his child got a good post.

The child has become an hero by connecting with us, he should become an hero, the customer or the feeling of the customer should become an hero. So for what feeling did he take the loan? To educate his child, when the child studied and became an officer, then his feeling was good, took a loan, took a gold loan, took a property loan and if he has any medical problem, then it is a medical problem. 

If he takes a loan then his medical problem will be cured. Now he can do this show in our head, if he took a loan for his medical problem and that medical problem would be cured, let’s say he took a loan of Rs 5 lakh, but now he got Rs 50 lakh, when he got Rs 1 crore, Rs 10 crore, Rs 20 crore.